My Blog

Working on a project for some time? Is it starting to get really big and hard to navigate in? Have hundreds, even thousands of drawables, layouts or other resource files? It's easy to get lost. So, let's discuss resource directory splitting.

This week is all about HELUParallaxView. Every once in a while you may receive designs containing parallax images. Implementing the animation yourself can be a tricky task. Don’t worry. HELU Parallax View will get the whole job done for you.

This week I will show you how to add a nicely animated collapsing tab bar using HELUCollapsingTabBar to your application which is fully customizable. It can be used as a navigation bar for filtering or just as an action button.

This week, we’ll look at HELUBottomButtonSheet, an extension library build on top of Google's Bottom Sheet Dialog Fragment.

When we can’t find the tools we need to make the development process run smoother, many of us end up creating them ourselves. Today I will show you how to use the HELUVideoView library to easily create and control videos in your app.